Alex Callinicos

Alex Callinicos
Alexander Theodore Callinicos (born 24 July 1950) is a Zimbabwean-born British political theorist and activist. In an academic capacity, he serves as Professor of European Studies at King's College London. An adherent of Trotskyism, he is a member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and serves as its International Secretary. He is also editor of International Socialism, the SWP's theoretical journal, and has published a variety of books.
- Making HistoryINR 595
Making History is about the question – central to social theory – of how human agents draw their powers from the social structures they are involved in. Drawing on classical Marxism, a...

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Ali Cobby Eckermann is a poet and writer. She identifies herself with her Yankunytjatjara/Kokatha family from the North-West desert country of South Australia. Her works include little bit long tim

Alan Woods
Alan Woods (born 23 October 1944) is a Trotskyist political theorist and author. He is one of the leading members of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), as well as its British affiliate group

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Jane Bowles
Born Jane Sydney Auer, Jane Bowles's total body of work consists of one novel, one play, and six short stories. Yet John Ashbery said of her: "It is to be hoped that she will be recognized for what