Amiya Kumar Bagchi

Amiya Kumar Bagchi
Amiya Kumar Bagchi is the founder Director and Professor of Economics, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata. He was formerly Reserve Bank of India Professor of Economics and Director, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. His books on finance and investment include Private Investment in India 1900–1939 (1972); The Evolution of the State Bank of India, Vol. I: The Roots 1806–1876 (2006) and Vol. II: The Era of the Presidency Banks and the Indian Economy 1876–1914 (1989). He also edited Money and Credit in Indian History: From Early Medieval Times (2002).
- Money & Credit in Indian HistoryINR 270
The papers presented in this volume arise out of the session on money, banking and finance, organized under the auspices of the Indian History Congress, Kolkata, 2000.
In most historical ...
- Capital & Labour RedefinedINR 575
This volume of essays gives the historical background to the formation of the Indian capitalist class from before British colonial rule in India. It also analyses the nature of that class and the c...
- Capture and Exclude: Developing Economies and the Poor in Global FinanceINR 625Increasing cross-border economic flows have attracted ever more attention. Ironically, cross-border financial relations are centuries old: they date to the birth of the modern nation-state, and, indee...

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RUBINA SAIGOL is currently an independent researcher based in Lahore. She has authored and edited several books and papers in English and Urdu on education, nationalism, the state, ethnicity, relig

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Baburao Bagul (1930–2008) was born in the Nashik district of Maharashtra. A short-story writer, poet and essayist, he is regarded as a pioneer of modern Marathi and Dalit literature. He was among