Aneesh Pradhan

Aneesh Pradhan
- Hindustani Music in Colonial BombayINR 750
This book focuses on Bombay ’s role in modernizing the world of Hindustani music in the colonial era and in moulding the ethos surrounding this musical tradition. Changing patterns of&n...
- Shabd aur SangeetINR 750In India, where oral traditions predate hand scripted manuscripts or printed compilations, poets with vastly varied literary impulses have written poems prescribing musical rendering in specific raags...

Smriti Ravindra
Smriti Ravindra is a writer who "writes what she can, fiction, children's stories, newspaper columns, poetry".

C.L.R. James
C.L.R. James was a leading figure in the independence movement in the West Indies, and the Black and working-class movements in both Britain and the United States.
Neelam Hussain
Neelam Hussain is a writer and translator who also teaches English at Lahore Grammar School in Pakistan.

Richard Flanagan
Richard Miller Flanagan (born 1961) is an Australian novelist who lives in West Hobart, Tasmania. He is the author of The Sound of One Hand Clapping, Gould's Book of Fish and The Narrow Road to the

Anna Bostock
Asa Briggs
Asa Briggs is the author of many books, including Victorian Cities, A Social History of England, and a five-volume series on the history of the BBC.

Nikhat Grewal
Nikhat Grewal is a child psychologist and aspiring fiction writer and traveller. She believes in the power of bed tea, human weakness and lunar eclipses. She currently lives in New Delhi with her t