T. Jayaraman is currently Professor and Chairperson, Centre for Science, Technology and Society, School of Habitat Studies at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Trained as a theoretical
Sreedevi K. Nair teaches English at the N.S.S. College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram. Her book Malayalathinte Kathaakaarikal carries interviews with ten Malayalam women writers, and she has receive
Michael E. Tigar is Edwin A. Mooers Scholar and Professor of Law at Washington College of Law, American University. Until 1998, he held the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Law at the University of Texas
Uttara Natarajan is Reader in English at Goldsmiths College, where she teaches and researches in nineteenth-century English literature. Her publications include Hazlitt and the Reach of Sense and Bla