John Hutnyk

John Hutnyk
John Hutnyk is a writer with 5 single author books: The Rumour of Calcutta: Tourism, Charity and the Poverty of Representation (1996 Zed); Critique of Exotica: Music, Politics and the Culture Industry (2000 Pluto); Bad Marxism: Capitalism and Cultural Studies (2004 Pluto); Pantomime Terror: Music and Politics (2014 Zero); and Global South Asia on Screen (2018 Bloomsbury and Aakar in India); as well as co-authored with Virinder Kalra and Raminder Kaur of Diaspora and Hybridity (2005 Sage). He has edited several volumes of essays, including espceially Dis-Orienting Rhythms: the Politics of the New Asian Dance Music (1996 Zed, co ed with Sharma and Sharma); Travel Worlds: Journeys in Contemporary Cultural Politics (1998 Zed co-ed with Raminder Kaur); editions of the journals Theory, Culture and Society (2000) and Post-colonial Studies (1998)’, and both a festschrift for Klaus Peter Koepping called Celebrating Transgression (2006 Berghahn, co-ed with Ursula Rao); the PhD colloquium volume Beyond Borders (Pavement books 2012); and recent volumes of the journals Educational Philosophy and Theory (2020); Journal of Asian and African Studies (2020) and Social Identities (2021).
- Global South Asia on ScreenINR 795
With importance for geopolitical cultural economy, anthropology, and media studies, John Hutnyk brings South Asian circuits of scholarship to attention where, alongside critical Marxist and poststr...

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