K.N. Panikkar

K.N. Panikkar
K.N. Panikkar is among the foremost historians of modern India. His books include Against Lord and State: Religion and Peasant Uprisings in Malabar; Culture and Consciousness in Modern India; Culture, Ideology and Hegemony – Intellectuals and Social Consciousness in Colonial India and Before the Night Falls.
- History as a Site of StruggleINR 750
This valuable collection of essays by KN Panikkar chronicles contemporary South Asia as it has unfolded in the last three decades. His being a historian of modern India has lent to his analysis of ...

Sreedevi K. Nair
Sreedevi K. Nair teaches English at the N.S.S. College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram. Her book Malayalathinte Kathaakaarikal carries interviews with ten Malayalam women writers, and she has receive

James Membrez
Teresa Hayter
Paul Burkett
Paul Burkett is Professor of Economics at Indiana State University.
Suman Rimal Gautam
Suman Rimal Gautam is a water resources specialist at an international development consulting firm based in Washington, DC.

Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery
Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery are both Professors in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Their recent books include Don't Marry Me to a Plowman: Women's Everyday Lives in R

Kamala Das
Kamala Das is one of India's leading poets writing in the English language.