Lars T. Lih

Lars T. Lih
Lars T. Lih, Ph.D. (1984) Princeton, is the editor of Stalin's Letters to Molotov, the author of Bread and Authority in Russia, 1914-1921, the chapter on ideology in the forthcoming Cambridge History of Russia and numerous articles on the Bolsheviks.
- Lenin RediscoveredINR 1,495
Lenin's What Is To Be Done? (1902) has long been seen as the founding document of a 'party of a new type'. For some, it provided a model of a 'vanguard party' that was the essence of Bolsh...

Timur Kuran
Timur Kuran is Professor of Economics and Law, and King Faisal Professor of Islamic Thought and Culture, at the University of Southern California. His books include Private Truths, Public Lies.

Ashoka Gupta
The former president of the All India Women's Conference (AIWC), a premier organization for women, Ashoka Gupta (November 1912 - 8 July 2008) has spent over fifty years in social work.

Tanya Singh
Tanya Singh is an independent scholar and writer. She has formerly worked as an assistant professor at Kalindi College, University of Delhi, for over five years and later briefly at Avvaiyar Govern

Teesta Setalvad
Teesta Setalvad is a human rights activist and journalist. She is secretary of Citizens for Justice and Peace, an organization that has fought to get justice for the victims of the anti-Muslim pogr