Nirmala Banerjee

Nirmala Banerjee

Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar
is a medical officer with the government of Jharkhand. His stories and articles have been published in Indian Literature, The Statesman, The Asian Age, Good Housekeeping, N

Kamla Patel
Kamla Patel was born in 1912 and spent her early years in Mahatma Gandhi's Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad. She participated in the civil disobedience movement and later in Gandhi's constructive progra

Sam Gindin
Sam Gindin holds the Packer Chair in Social Justice in the Department of Political Science at York University, Toronto.

Fred Halliday
Moshe Lewin
Mrityunjay Tripathi
Mrityunjay Tripathi is assistant professor in the Hindi programme at Ambedkar University Delhi. He has translated the autobiography of Mallikarjun Mansur into Hindi (Ras yatra), and a Hindi transla

V.I. Lenin
V.I. Lenin (1870-1924) was the preeminent leader of the Russian Revolution, and a Marxist theoretician. His important books include, among many others, What is to be Done, Imperialism, the Hig

Amitesh Kumar
अमितेश कुमार (जन्म : 13 जनवरी 1987, सीतामढ़ी, बिहार) हिन्दी रंग-आलोचना में सक्रिय