S. Anand

S. Anand
- BhimayanaINR 995
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891 –1956), one of India ’s foremost revolutionaries, grew up untouchable. Battling against the odds, he gained multiple doctorates, campaigned against social discrimin...
- Ganja–Mahua ChroniclesINR 399This book is an exceptional document. It charts the journeys of Venkat, an artist from a remote ‘tribal’ village in the Patangarh area of Madhya Pradesh to the art worlds of Bhopal, Delhi and to f...

Alladi Uma
Ravi Ahuja
Dr. Ravi Ahuja works as the Professor of Modern Indian History in Centre for Modern Indian Studies at University of Göttingen.

Archana Prasad
Archana Prasad is Professor at the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She is the author of Against Ecological Romanticism: Verrier Elwin and the

Gogu Shyamala
Gogu Shyamala is a senior fellow at the Anveshi Research Centre for Women's Studies, Hyderabad. She has documented and edited Dalit women's writings in Telugu.

R. K. Jayasree
R. K. Jayasree retired as associate professor of English literature, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam.
Richa Nagar
Richa Nagar is an academic and author. She is the inaugural Gloria Steinem ’56 Endowed Chair in Women and Gender Studies at Smith College. Her scholarship, writing and cultural work, in English a

Mario Fenyo
Timothy Bewes
Timothy R.T. Bewes is a Professor of English at Brown University. He is the author of Cynicism and Postmodernity, Reification, or The Anxiety of Late Capitalism and The Event of Postcolonial S