Usha Jha

Usha Jha

Wiebke Keim
Wiebke Keim is a German sociologist at CRNS in Strasbourg, France, and coordinates, through the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany, a major research programme on circulating knowledge b

Rada Ivekovic
Rada Iveković, philosopher, writer and feminist was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia. She is currently Programme Director at the Collège International de Philosophie, Paris. She has taught at

Shahrzad Mojab
Shahrzad Mojab is a Professor at the University of Toronto. Her essay draws from her introduction to Marxism and Feminism, a 2015 book that she edited.

Thomas R. Trautmann
Thomas R. Trautmann is an American historian and a Professor Emeritus of History and Anthropology in the Department of History at the University of Michigan. He has published many works including&n

Madhuja Mukherjee
Madhuja Mukherjee is Head, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University.
Urmila Pawar
Urmila Pawar is a distinguished writer of fiction in Marathi. Her collection of short stories, Sahava Bot and Chauthi Bhint, are particularly well known. Her autobiography, Aaydan, received major a