The Indus Civilization
The Indus Civilization by Irfan Habib forms Volume 2 of the People's History of India series. It continues the story from the point reached in the preceding volume, Prehistory, and goes on to describe in depth the Indus Civilization. In addition, other contemporary and later cultures down to about 1500 BC are surveyed, and there is a discussion on how the major language families of India have emerged.
Other volumes available in the People's History of India series:
1. Prehistory
3. The Vedic Age
4. The Age of Iron and the Religious Revolution, c. 700 - c. 350 BC
5. Mauryan India
6. Post Mauryan India, 200 BC - AD 300
7. Society and Culture in Post-Mauryan India, c. 200 BC - AD 300
14. Economic History of India, AD 1206-1526, The Period of the Delhi Sultanate and the Vijayanagara Empire
20. Technology in Medieval India, c. 650-1750
23. The Establishment of British Rule, 1757-1813
25. Indian Economy Under Early British Rule, 1757-1857
28. Indian Economy, 1858-1914
30. The National Movement: Origins and Early Phase to 1918
36. Man and Environment

Prof. Habib's admirable book . . . is clearly written, effectively organized, better illustrated than most Indian productions and very nicely designed. Readers learn a good deal about the general nature of archaeological research in the bargain. [It contains] a helpful and ample bibliography. . . .